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Yo tenía una granja en África, al pie de las colinas de Ngong. El ecuador atravesaba aquellas tierras altas a un centenar de millas al norte, y la granja se asentaba a una altura de unos seis mil pies. Durante el día te sentías a una gran altitud, cerca del sol, las primeras horas de la mañana, y las tardes eran límpidas y sosegadas, y las noches frías.

I had a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills. The Equator runs across these highlands, a hundred miles to the north, and the farm lay at an altitude of over six thousand feet. In the day-time you felt that you had got high up; near to the sun, but the early mornings and evenings were limpid and restful, and the nights were cold.

Colinas de Ngong

Memorias de Africa
Isak Dinesen (Karen Christence Blixen-Finecke) (Rungsted, Dinamarca, 17 de abril de 1885 -  7 de septiembre de 1962).

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